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DIY Cleaning Solutions

Today has been a good day, starting the weekly menu which will be posted up tomorrow once I get it all figured out. Meal planning makes things so much easier and it keeps the cost of food down specially by not going out to eat every night or every other night. One trip to the grocery store with the book of coupons and we are set for the week no wondering what I'm going to make for dinner its already done specially when its a crock pot meal. Those are amazing! I don't know what I would do without my crock pot makes life a bit easier, just throw in what you want and done a few hours later.

Here are some DIY cleaning solutions:

If you put equal parts of Dawn and white vinegar into a spray bottle you got yourself a super shower cleaner.

Do you buy Oxy-Clean? Save some money and make it your self with just a 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of Hot water; just let the clothes soak overnight or for a few hours and no more stains.

Have a glass door in your shower? Take a lemon and cut it in half and dip it into a bowl of Kosher salt and start scrubbing the door it will get all that shower scrum off and leave the door fresh and shiny.

Need a quick de-wrinkle from your clothes? Take equal parts of fabric softener, white vinegar and water into a spray bottle lightly mist what needs to be de-wrinkled throw it in drier for a few minutes. No more wrinkles.... Too bad it doesn't work for the human body

Kids put stains on your carpet? Try this little remedy. Equal parts of ammonia and HOT water, pour it onto the stain take a clean white towel (use white or you'll transfer the color of towel onto carpet) and iron the towel over the stain you will see the stain lift off the carpet to the towel. It's magic. My old neighbor did this, her son knocked over a glass of juice and it sat there for months before we found this out and we tried it it picked up most of the stain. If you do it right away it should pick it all up.

Don't you hate those white shirts that they the stain in the armpit try mixing one part of Dawn with two parts of hydrogen peroxide and pour it over the stain let it sit for about an hour and then throw it in the washer and stains shall be gone like magic. (If you think you may need an extra scrub into the stain you can use baking soda and scrub before putting in the washer.)

So today I found out that if you can sterilize your sponge after washing dishes WHO KNEW!!! All you got have to do is when your done washing dishes is stick the wet sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes and BOOM you have a clean sponge for use the next day. I'm going to start doing that every night with the last batch of dishes that get cleaned. I swear I wash dishes at least 3 times a day I don't know how we use so much.

Wake up mommy its 5am

O"Wake up mommy it's 5am" is exactly what my little princess would of said to me if she could talk this morning. I wake up to a screaming munchkin because she has decided that its time to get up "SERIOUSLY its 5am little girl mommy wants to sleep" is what went threw my head.

Ms.Adrianna wide awake at 5 this wonderful morning.

 I attempted to post a picture of the princess this morning but I cant figure it out. I'm going to have to figure this out HMMM.... 

 So we were up at 5 this morning and watching Disney Junior. Thank goodness she finally went back to sleep after about an hour of Doc Mcstuffins and Sofia the First (her two favorite shows). It was a rainy ugly day went to lunch and to Target and got a few things. Not much fun over here today.

Bloggin Intro

This is the first time in a long time that I have blogged, I think the last time I blogged was in middle school. I figured I can give it another shot. 

In this blog I'll be able to showcase my life as a mother of a little princess and a Marine wife. I'll be sharing recipes, crafts that I've done and who knows what else I may come across. 

Read at your own discretion.

Now to get to know me a little I'm 25 years old, have a little princess who is 19 weeks old and a husband who just currently got out of the Marine Corps. We are now getting settled back into our home town Miami,Fl and I'm excited to start our new chapter of our lives. I know  this is going to be a BIG loop for us being back in the civilian world EKKK. But we will get threw it like we always do. I'm so thankful to have my family's support and help with everything now that we are back home specially with the little princess. I'm going back to school hopefully Fall the latest Spring '14 for Nursing, I can't wait to finally be able to get out and work besides retail jobs. 

Now to see how our adventure back into the real world goes wish us luck.......

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