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Creative Mommy
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Been a busy week

Its been such a hectic week I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog.

Little missy is finally getting better she is just getting over the cough thank goodness! It was starting to get crazy on giving her the nebulizer ( she wasn't a fan of it lol.) Also getting her to bed was crazy she wouldn't sleep alone so we were co-sleeping with I have nothing against but we normally don't do. Hubby moves to much to do so and I just didn't want her to get use to sleeping with mommy and daddy. But I gave the exception that she was sick and miserable and caved and let her sleep with us. So with all of that I had no blogging time!!!

We had her six month old appointment and she is 28.5 in long and 22.4 lbs can't believe how big she is getting its crazy!! Going way to fast for my liking. Can't believe that she is half way to ONE! Where has the time gone?

This week I also bought my ticket to go to my girlfriends wedding in Chicago :) I'm excited for the mini vacation. Had to go get my MOH dress so it will be here in time before I leave. And getting Baptism Prep class over with so we can FINALLLY Baptize the munchkin before her Godmother leaves the country again for military reasons.

So hopefully next week won't be as crazy and I can get come blogging done.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


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