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Creative Mommy
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It's Monday...

So its Monday and I don't have my menu planned for the week!!! I feel like I haven't had time to blog the past few weeks since I'm trying to make sure I have what I need for the wedding in Chicago in two week for me and the munchkin, PLUS keeping up with the house and of course the munchkin its all crazy here!

I'm excited for the trip to Chicago sucks that the hubby can't go but he doesn't have time to burn at work or at school.

I have decided that I'm going to add more stuff to my Etsy Shop I'm going to be adding some elastic headbands AND hair ties (which can also be worn as a bracelet.) I'm also working on birthday, baby shower invites. Hopefully they become a hit :) I'm excited to start more stuff that keep me busy while home with the munchkin besides cleaning, cooking and laundry haha what a life!!

Well I'm going to go and see what I'm going to make for dinner this week I'll post up tmrw!


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