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Creative Mommy
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So how many of mommy bloggers homeschool?? Homeschooling is something I was never into. I had a friend who went from homeschooling to public school and said she hated homeschooling but I guess now its all different than it use to be.

I have a friend in California who homeschools all 4 yes 4 of her kids, and sometimes her niece too. I give her props for doing it and sticking to it I know at times she has tried to put her oldest in public school but she didn't like it she got to side tracked from other kids because she was so much more advanced than the rest of the kids in her class. It was crazy to see a difference between her daughter in public school verses homeschool. She is a completely different child.

You can check out my friends blog HERE as she updates as her kids are in homeschooling. Its pretty interesting to see what goes on in a house of 26 including all their animals LOL.

Have a great Thursday its almost the weekend!

Don't forget tomorrow is the last day to enter the giveaway! You can check out some holders HERE

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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