So in the past month when I've been out with little missy I've been asked "oh you have a little one, what did you like getting most from your baby shower?" I know I'm only a FTM but I'm going to post if my favorite items that I got or wish I had gotten.
RECEIVING BLANKETS One of my favorite things I got, I use them everyday and sometimes more than one a day. When she was a newborn it's what I used to swaddle her. They are also super light so they stay a little cool if its hot outside, even physically light so your not lugging a heavy blanket around town plus a baby and diaper bag.
ERGO Oh how I love my ERGO! It's amazing and so much more comfortable than the other carriers besides the Moby. I would definitely say invest in either the Ergo or Moby carriers, it's so much easier to baby carry than to lug the carseat in and out of the car and having to put it in the basket at the grocery store, and then have to worry about where the heck you are going to put your groceries.
Getting ready to go grocery shopping
BOTTLES I planned on breast feeding, but when I get into labor and had complications and ended up in ICU for a day and no one old me to start pumping while in ICU to start my flow plus A had already been getting a bottle for the first 24 hours of her life I got screwed. (I did attempt for those mommies who are 110% BF she just wouldn't latch) I had received a few bottles but between pumping to give her breast milk and formula feeding I didn't have a enough so I would make your you have a good amount even if you don't open all the packages you can always go swap them out when they need bigger bottles if you have unopened packs.
BIBS And lots of them, we use 3 a day at least and I feel like I can't ever find any when I need them ask for a good amount of them on your registry. They will use them!!!
ONESIES AND SACKS Put the sacks on your registry! They are amazing for those middle of the night diaper changes! No unzipping or buttons to undo. And of course onesies can't have enough, most people will buy newborn to 3 months. What I did I asked my family members if they buy clothes buy bigger since everyone else always buys 3 months, we all know these little ones grow like weeds. Make sure you have at least a handful of newborn size you never know or you'll be like me gong to the store to buy some because 0-3 or 3 months is huge on the munchkin.
DIAPERS Start stocking up on them put them on your registry and put every size they will grow into them. I started stocking up on diapers at the beginning of my third trimester end of my second and she is 5 months and have rarely made trips to buy diapers. Use coupons to buy them Target normally had good deals for packages and sometimes boxes you never know, a $1.00 off is a $1.00 that $34.00 box. And if our little newbie is any like mine who hates being wet you'll go threw diapers one - two pees and she has a fit.
WIPES You will use them and they don't go bad stock up the last thing you need is to run out of wipes in the middle of a poop diaper. Keep eyes out for sales even Costco BJs have good deals I believe they are like $24 for a box of 1000 wipes.
Bath supplies soap, lotion, towels etc are good to ask for.
I know a lot of people don't like adding big stuff like carseats, high chairs, bouncers, and etc on their list because no one will buy it. Most of the time close family members will. My Godparents bought my $200 monitor (it's the Summer with camera) which I thought for sure no one was going to buy and surprise they did. It's worth a shot and if no one does when you go to finish your registry you get 15% off your entire registry. Save some money and maybe even get it as a gift a win win situation.
What were your favorite baby essentials?