After watching extreme couponing on TV I decided to give it a try. It takes some work but once you get it down its pretty easy. I get my coupons from and the newspaper (check your local paper on Saturdays most have coupons in them for
ONLY a dollar) I usually buy more than one if the coupon amount is over $600 but I flip threw them to see how much I will really use to determine if I want more than two papers. I also get coupons from family members both my grandparents save the coupons for me they clip a few things and hand it over.
Check with your local grocery stores for their coupon policy. Most will take their coupon PLUS a manufacturer coupon. Which means Publix will take a coupon for 1.00 off BBQ sauce and the paper has the same BBQ sauce for .55 off you will get a total of 1.55 off the one item. Certain states with double your coupon so check with your stores you will get better deals if they do. Some will even take competitor coupons AND their own coupon. You can get target coupons from if you can use theirs at your local grocery store.
A website that I just came across late last year was you select your state and which store you would like to see such as Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens etc. and it will show you all their sales and even rate how good the deal is and what coupon you need you can even print some from that site as well.
To get started all you need is a binder (zip up ones are best), baseball card inserts, dividers( I personally have the ones with the pocket and the normal ones without pockets), scissors and of course your coupons. I also recommend keeping a few paper clips and a pair of scissors in your binder for a just in case your grocery store has a flyer with coupons that you may use.
On your dividers you can write how ever you want to organize. My binder has FOOD then within that one I have pastas/rice, dressings/sauces, refrigerated, frozen and someone I have about 5 main tabs then at least 3 or 4 within that tab. When you clip your coupons try to keep them organized like frozen with frozen cereal with cereal and so on. It takes time to do that but it makes life easier when you have to put them away. If you have more than one of the same insert clip them together so you can put the multiples in the same slot of your baseball card insert so you don't have 10 of the same coupon in different spots.
The day or so before you go to the store look at their ads and go threw your coupons and see what you have keep track of your coupons when making your list. Always have a list when you go to the store so you remember to use the coupons! See who has a better deal before you shop, got instance if you have a Walmart and a Target within a few blocks from each other and your going to one and lets say Walmart has Shampoo and Conditioner for 6.98 and Target 5.98 and you have a 1.00 off coupon stop at Target on your way back or on way to Walmart. ALWAYS look for the better deal!!
When you get to the register make sure to have your coupons ready. When the cashier watch every coupon scan and make sure it scans for its price.
Here are a few shots of my coupon binder.
Happy couponing!!!