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How to keep up with house work

MToday has been a kind of crazy day. Little missy was up til 2 am last night for some reason, thankfully she was a happy camper and was giggling and making bubbles instead of screaming her head off. I thought I was going to get a break and her sleep in since she didn't go down til after 2; boy did I think wrong 6:30 am came around quick and she was up. Lucky enough she took a bottle and went back to sleep til 10:30 am. Then we started our day of lunch with family and then going shopping for formula (which is expensive as sh!t may I add.)

So today I figured I could write about an easy way to keep up with house work.

Set the week with one room to do every day PLUS the kitchen. (So bedroom & Kitchen and etc) And I say plus the kitchen because I'm sure most of us cook dinner every night so you kind of have to clean up after that. In the room that you choose just pick up what is on the floor, things that aren't in its place and dust.

Pick three of seven days to vacuum, I would recommend every other day so either Sunday, Tuesday and Friday or Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Depending on what day you do house cleaning. ( I do house cleaning on Sundays) Also add in a load of laundry everyday keeps laundry at minumum.

On your cleaning day all you would have to do is dust the house and clean the floors, shouldn't have to be spending an hour in each room putting stuff away and etc. Doing this you should cut your house cleaning in half and have more time to spend with your family. 

Also keep a chore chart for your kids to help around the house.


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