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Creative Mommy
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Baby Naps its Mama's Play time

I hope everyone stayed safe last night and enjoyed their holiday.

Well while little missy naps I decided it was time to make myself a little menu board for the kitchen instead of writing it down on paper every week. So I went to Michael's and bought a wood frame, I got stick on white board (I ordered from nomorerack for $12 it was a roll of it I'm sure you can find it at a supply store like staple or office max) a bottle of paint, a thin sheet of wood (homedepot) and my hot glue gun out.

I painted the frame first it took a while since I hand painted it instead of spray (which I recommend spray painting.) I took my sheet of wood and cut it to the size I needed and cut the white board to size. Stuck on the white board to the wood and once the paint dried I hot glued the wood to the frame and WAALA you have a nice menu board. You could even do a chalk board if you rather have that just take the wood piece and spray it with the chalkboard paint and glue onto frame. The total project cost about 15$ give or take I had a few coupons for the stuff at Michael's. I love my coupons.

I will post up a picture as soon as I can.


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