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Losing more baby weight

So not all moms are lucky e ought to go right back to pre pregnancy weight. I've been doing some research on different ways to lose the baby weight besides breast feeding, that I can do without going to the gym since I can't take the princess to the gym with me.

So I've come down to eating healthy and finding healthier recipes, going for a walk every morning and work my way to running again. Also taking vitamins (fish oil,b12 b6) Well yesterday while on Pinterest I found this smoothie chart that each smoothie does something different. I'm definitely going to give it a shot and see how it works. Hey if I can get an energy booster healthy and not by taking an energy drink woohoo I would much rather do that. 

I hope this picture is good I'm on the iPad so it looks small when I put the picture in. If not here is the link Smoothie Chart

And if you anything like me now (I didn't have such of a big sweet tooth until I got pregnant) check out some of these skinny desserts here

Have a great day :)


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